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AUDE's primary objective is: To promote excellence in the strategic planning, management, administration, operation and development of University Estates and Facilities. AUDE's members are: The Universities of the United Kingdom, represented by the most senior member of staff responsible for the estate and facilities of their institution. 

The Institute, which is headquartered in Northampton, is the largest independent, professional and educational body within the cleaning industry. Founded in 1961, its mission is ‘the raising of status and standards of the cleaning industry, through education’. The BICSc, as it is known, is not a Trade Association but an independent body with members in all areas of the cleaning industry, including Local Authorities, Contract Cleaners, Manufacturers, Suppliers and Trainers.

British Cleaning Council

British Toilet Assciation

Monthly Cleaning & Hygiene Publication aimed at wide range of business and institutions.

Cleaning & Hygiene Supplies Association represents more than 200 manufacturers and distributors across the UK.

The authority on books about cleaning, cleaning management, cleaning science and floor maintenance.  

CUBO is the professional membership body for the Directors of University residential, business conference and hospitality services. The purpose of CUBO is to provide a professional forum capable of driving forward best practice within the industry and providing members with a platform of information and common interest to enable them to improve business performance. 

Cleanpoint is the cleaning industry's foremost reference database and information repository. You are one of the many buyers, users and decision makers who access this site on a daily basis for any of a growing number of reasons. This comprehensive site allows cleaning industry professionals to gain immediate access to the most up to date information. It contains full contact and address details for the industry's many suppliers - so you don't have to go anywhere else to get the information.

BACHE is an affiliate of Encams - the people who brought you 'Keep Britain Tidy'.

The HE Estates website has been developed by the higher education estates sector to provide a central resource to estates personnel whom have the responsibility to maintain the higher education estate. The AUDE, AUE, HEDQF, SCOP (Estates), Universities UK, HEFCE, SHEFC, and the HEFCW support the development of the site and hope you find this the site useful. 

This takes you to the VFM homepage on the HEFCE website. Here you will find the link to the electronic version of the VFM Cleaning Management Report.

Occupational Health & Safety for the Cleaning Industry.

International Sanitary Supply Association, Inc.

Skills passport for  the management of the built environment.

United Kingdom Housekeepers Association.

The Universities Safety and Health Association (USHA) is an organisation for the promotion of safety and health in higher education.Membership is primarily open to higher education institutions both in the UK and from further afield. Membership is also available to research institutions and related organisations upon request. The association was formed in the early 1970s and has grown over the years to its current cohort of approximately 150 universities.